Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Parc Monceau

Parisians love their parks -- and they have beautiful parks. On sunny days, you can see all of Paris out at the parks, enjoying the sun. One of my favorites is Parc Monceau in the 8th arrondissement. It was created in the 18th century for Philippe Egalité, the cousin of Louis XVI and the father of King Louis-Philippe I. There is a small playground for young children, a skateboarding/rollerblading area for older kids (and adults!), a cafe, a merry-go-round, and swings. There is a pond with ducks and a nice path around the perimeter which we used for jogging when we lived there -- each lap is about 1/4 mile. There is a large grassy open area in the middle of the park where our kids would frequently meet for squirt gun fights or to launch "stomp" rockets or play frisbee. We even tried a pick-up game of American football with some other Americans, but it was a bit cramped! I highly recommend visiting Parc Monceau on a sunny day with the Herald Tribune and an espresso from the cafe.


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7:28 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Really it's an awesome place to be..

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11:13 PM  

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